
Hello there,

Welcome home. :)

This is a space where I share my poems, stories, scribbles and conversations. I hope they can make you feel at home.

I've heard the funny ideas that people have about "The Room Traveller"... It is not what you think!

Travel, to me, has never been about checking a destination after another destination off a bucket list.
One chapter in Alain de Botton's 'The Art of Travel', in particular, has intrigued me. It encapsulates the attitude that I want to adopt with everything I do, beyond travelling in the physical sense.

Xavier de Maistre coined the term "room travel" after exploring his own room and making a journey around it. He made discoveries even in an environment that he was very familiar with and comfortable in. Alain de Botton then highlighted that de Maistre's work is founded on an insight that the pleasure we derive from journeys is perhaps dependent more on the mindset with which we travel with than on the destination we travel to.

The journeys I take with the people around me or people I come across are not limited by geographical boundaries.  I hope to show the extraordinary side, the spark, the blind spots even in the simplest things and the most ordinary-seeming people.



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