Portraits of TwentySomethings

Portraits of TwentySomethings is a series that capture the dilemmas, struggles and dreams of the TwentySomethings who have yet to become successful in the 'conventional' sense, but the curator believes, have the flow and are courageous to go for their choice of pain in order to achieve their dreams. They are pretty much (amazing) work-in-progress. 


“Twenty-somethings are like airplanes, just taking off from LAX heading for somewhere west. A slight change in course on take-off is the difference between landing in Alaska or Fiji.” - Meg Jay

I’m sick and tired of articles found on the Thought Catalog, Buzzfeed and likes extolling about the achievements celebrities and entrepreneurs had attained before they turned twenty-five years old as well as the constant reminders and warnings of the pit holes that the twenty-somethings might fall into. 

We are all twenty-somethings – optimistic, hopeful yet at the same time, really scared of the uncertainties that lie ahead of us. Are what we do ever enough for the world or for ourselves?

I've decided to talk to some TwentySomethings around me because hey, I do know some amazing TwentySomethings albeit we are kind of work-in-progress. (haha) Will these stories of the authentic twentysomethings around us be more relevant and resonate with our peers more? Perhaps. 

And when I say "talk", I really mean it. We usually end up talking for at least three hours. It is like getting to know a friend from the scratch. 

My friend said, "Is this going to be a time capsule? Are you going to talk to us again ten years later?" Maybe that's a good idea. 

I often begin my conversation or "interview" with this introduction: 

"We're going to be spending a couple of hours together, just like we do all the time. The difference is that today, I'm going to be asking some questions, slipping in some cryptic remarks 
(as usual, you know me) and making you laugh with some backhanded compliments (don’t take
offence). We may have talked about some of the stuff we will talk about today many times over. It
doesn’t matter. We may dredge up memories of our shared experiences. It is okay. I love it."


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